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JoomSport Matches shortcode

JoomSport Matches shortcode

Matches with slider, horizontal

Get the code

[jsMatches id ="4044" group_id="1" quantity="5" emblems="1" venue="1" season="1" slider="1" layout="0" groupbymd="0" morder="0"]

Matches without slider, horizontal

Get the code

[jsMatches id ="4044" group_id="1" quantity="4" emblems="1" venue="1" season="1" slider="0" layout="0" groupbymd="0" morder="0"]

Matches with slider, vertical

Get the code

[jsMatches id ="4044" group_id="1" quantity="10" emblems="1" venue="1" season="1" slider="1" layout="1" groupbymd="0" morder="0"]

Matches without slider, vertical

Get the code

[jsMatches id ="4044" group_id="1" quantity="4" emblems="1" venue="1" season="1" slider="0" layout="1" groupbymd="0" morder="0"]